
Founded formally in 1999, the Southern Arizona Attractions Alliance, a 501 (c)(6) non-profit organization, was created to develop innovative marketing techniques in collaboration with other Arizona tourism boards to enhance awareness of the variety of educational , recreational and entertainment activities available in our communities to cooperatively promote tourism and visitation in southern Arizona. Founding organizations included Old Tucson, Arizona Aerospace Foundation, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson Museum of Art and Visit Tucson (MTCVB).

The SAAA is supported in part by Visit Tucson, & University of Arizona



Our Mission

The mission of the Southern Arizona Attractions Alliance is to increase awareness of and drive visitation to the Alliance member attractions through marketing, education and advocacy.

Primary Marketing Vehicles

  • Tucson Attractions Passport
  • Tucson Attractions Map Brochure
  • Tucson Attractions Website
  • VIsitWidget – A planning ad for the Desktop and a app for your Smartphone
  • Social Media Postings
  • Co-Operative Advertising and Outreach/Advocacy
  • Annual Meeting with educational programming
  • Ambassador Showcase of the Attractions

Education/Professional Development

  • Monthly Meetings
  • Monthly Educational Topic
  • SAAA Pledge of Practice
  • Annual Meeting of Attractions


  • Protect the interests of the Southern Arizona Attractions
  • Partner with DMO’s, local and state governments, Chambers, Cultural Organizations and others


Our 2024 Board of Directors


  • President: Peter Tsai, MicroVacations
  • Vice President:  Stan Martin, Tucson Wagon and History Museum
  • Secretary: Katie Yaeli, The Play District
  • Treasurer: Peter Tsai, MicroVacations

Board Directors/Committee Chairs:

  • Marketing: Katie Bailey, Publisher/Owner, Tucson Guide Magazine; Non-Board Members: Joan Lee, Linda Fahey, Nick Letson
  • Membership: Peter Tsai, MicroVacations (At-Large Director)
  • Outreach: Pamela Traficanti, Visit Tucson, Tamara McElwee (Mack), Arizona Historical Society (At-Large Director)
  • Stan Martin, Tucson Wagon and Western History Museum
  • Staff:

Membership Kit

Membership is open to attractions and businesses involved in tourism located in southern Arizona.

Membership Meetings

The SAAA has membership meetings are mostly on the second Thursday of the month, except Showcase and Holiday Function. Most meetings begin at 8:30 am and are held at various attractions and member locations throughout Tucson. Attraction co-workers, guests and prospective members are encouraged to attend.  Most meetings have an educational program.

New 2024 Meeting and Education Schedule!
Open to all Member Attractions and Guests


January 18…Virtual Meeting on the SAAA 25th Anniversary and Program Initiatives.
February 8...SAACA Catalyst, 8:30 – 10 am, Program: Networking – Meeting Your Goals in a Networking Session, Stacy Fowler, Tucson Networking
March 14……25th Annual Fiesta Celebration, Award Ceremony, Old Tucson, 8 – 10 am, Program: AI: Becoming an Extra-Ordinary Person with AI
April 11…”Tourism, Community, and Storytelling in the Age of AI,” a hands-on session where attendees will learn the potential of generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Adobe Firefly for business content creation being held at the Arizona History Museum on April 11 beginning at 9 am.  Register Here!




October 14, Showcase 24
November 21, AZ Daily Star Offices, 10 am – 11:30 am, Tucson Media Partners. Program: Our new Partnership, How you can best utilize their successful marketing resources from print to digital.